The cutthroat school drama light novels that inspired an anime! Students of the prestigious Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School are given remarkable freedom--if they can win, barter, or save enough points to work their way up the ranks! Ayanokouji Kiyotaka has landed at the bottom in the scorned Class D, where he meets Horikita Suzune, who's determined to rise up the ladder to Class A. Can they beat the system in a school where cutthroat competition is the name of the game?
CRUISING FOR A BRUISING Having survived their final exams, Ayanokouji and the others are looking forward to an idyllic school-sponsored summer vacation aboard a cruise ship. But nothing is ever quite as it seems with the Tokyo Advanced Nurturing High School, and the cruise turns out to be the cover for a series of special tests! What grueling new challenges await them out at sea?!
SIGNS OF TROUBLE The second half of the special summer test finds the students duking it out aboard a luxurious cruise ship. Divided into twelve groups patterned after the signs of the Zodiac, all four classes are faced with a devilishly difficult test of their thinking skills. They may have survived the island, but they're not out of hot water yet!